A nonprofit organization (also known as a tax-exempt organization or a non-business entity) is formed to benefit the public. Unlike business entities, a nonprofit DOES NOT operate for the purpose of generating profit for private interest. There are almost three dozen types of nonprofit organizations; the different types include charitable organizations, church and religious organizations, private foundations, political organizations, and more. All types serve an important role in creating a flourishing and thriving community in their own unique ways.
Recently, Michigan Fashion Proto had the opportunity to interview Jacqueline (Jacki) Wolverton, a Michigan resident who founded a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization called The Coddiewomple Fund at the beginning of 2022. At the end of each year, The Coddiewomple Fund will provide financial assistance to individuals or families who need help affording mental health therapy. The idea for the fund came from the founder’s own battle with mental health. Even with a full-time job and health insurance, Jacki and her family found it challenging to afford therapy. She soon realized she wasn’t alone.
While reflecting on her experience with mental health during our interview, Jacki states, “A lot of nonprofits focus on the homeless population or people without jobs. They desperately need the help too, but there is still this major gap of people who are in the middle and can’t afford mental health therapies. So, I’m trying to solve the issue that I was personally touched by.” The Coddiewomple Fund is her way of “paying it forward”. Believing that mental health care should not come at the expense of other basic needs, Jacki is doing what she can to make mental health care accessible to everyone.
The Coddiewomple Fund is fully funded by The Coddiewomple Company, an apparel and housewares brand. Through her background as a volunteer for nonprofit organizations in the Detroit area, Jacki knew she needed to find a sustainable funding source for her nonprofit. So, Jacki founded The Coddiewomple Company (alongside The Coddiewomple Fund). 50% of net profits of The Coddiewomple Company’s sales go directly to the nonprofit. The nonprofit’s first round of donations, made possible by The Coddiewomple Company, will be announced near the end of 2023.
“’Mental Health Matters’ is not just a punchline,” Jacki tells me, “A lot of issues in this country need to be addressed and lot of that can’t be done until people get the help they need.” The long term goal of The Coddiewomple Fund is to solve the root issue that the nonprofit was founded on. Not only does The Coddiewomple Company fund its namesake nonprofit, but it also provides a way for Jacki to raise awareness about all things related to mental health. The brand’s custom-printed apparel and housewares provide her and her customers an open door to conversations about a topic that isn’t always easy to talk about.
Over the summer, The Coddiewomple Company participated in two local festivals. Both events have helped Jacki realize the value in connecting with the community. She proudly purposes, “There is power in numbers. I feel like I’m on this movement to creating something that we can move together in and start shaking down some doors to make some change.” Jacki dreams of a world where The Coddiewomple Fund doesn’t need to exist, and she knows she can’t get there on her own.
We asked Jacki what her advice would be for someone who is thinking about starting their own apparel brand or nonprofit organization. She said, “Silence all doubt and just jump in. I’m going to figure it out and if I don’t know, I can figure it out along the way. Surround yourself with people who will give you honest feedback, but also the ones that will lift you up.” Another piece of her advice is, “Don’t wait for it all to be figured out before you execute. Just start running!”
Grab your headphones!
Enjoy this recording of our full interview with Jacki.
Here’s where you can find The Coddiewomple Company:
Website: https://www.coddiewompleco.com
Instagram: @coddiewompleco
Facebook: @coddiewompleco